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Design in Sydney

sydney opera house & sydney harbour bridge

sydney opera house & sydney harbour bridge

I have just come back from a trip to Sydney. The holiday was both good and bad. The good part was that I had a wonderfully awesome time up there catching up with my big brother and seeing all the sites. But the bad part was the fact that the six day trip prevented me from doing my homework. So I thought to myself… “what could I do to make sure I did at least something for school on while I was in Sydney?”. I decided to make a few pictures (or as many as my memory card allowed) of designs in Sydney and the Blue Mountains which I really enjoyed. The designs I shot ranged from attention-grabbing logos to astounding nature views.

…So check out my Sydney Design Gallery!

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Task Two 15-7-08 – J Schatz


Jim Schatz designs and handcrafts products and makes common things in a wonderfully unique and innovative way. His focus on particular themes frequently change, from birds to poodles, from eggs to houses, from curtains to buff humpty. I really admire the way in which he combines elements of design, such as the line, shapes and textures of his products, to create products that have purpose and function. Jim creates ceramic ware made of clay that is pierced, scratched, drilled, fired and glazed into beautiful designs. The characterisitics of his designs include many organic, rounded shapes. Harmony is also used as he combines related elements such as egg-shaped products. Here are some examples of Jim Schatz’s products

His work has grown and flourished into a successful design business.

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